In today's modern era, emancipation is not something foreign. Emancipation of women has become a commonplace and its existence can not be separated from the life of this era. According to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), the word emancipation means the liberation of slavery or equality in various aspects of community life (such as the equal rights of women and men). Emancipation of women itself is the prospect of women's self-release from low socioeconomic positions or from legal restraints that limit the possibility of developing and progressing.

Currently emancipated emerging understandings are always on behalf of Human Rights, calling for the emancipation of women as equal rights with men. Though not all women's rights can be synchronized with men. And many evolved opinions about the Empowerment of Women, Gender Equality, or Patriarchal Cultural Conflicts, where this propaganda actually destroys the women themselves and can even adversely affect the social fabric of the world community.

Then, why today many women are affected with the slogans of emancipation? Is not emancipation only makes women look despicable because not exclusively by social, whereas God glorifies women more than men. Emancipation of women always grows in tandem with the increasingly harsh conditions of the world life every time. Obviously this also impacts the contrast on the nature and characteristic that women have, that is gentleness. Indeed this is the softness of the strongest point that women have. Because of its gentle nature is a combination of several attitudes of life, among others: understanding, sympathy, generosity, empathy, forgiveness, patience, affection and many other attitudes that can strengthen the heart and soul of women through tenderness. But, when a woman decides to equalize herself with men, the side of her tenderness will gradually disappear. Because inevitably the decision requires women to become a male figure as well as the nature or attitude that is in sharp contrast with it. As in terms of mental and physical strength, being firm, harsh speech, and rude attitude. This is where we must realize, just when a woman loses her softness, that's when she lost her power, something that is very meaningful in her life.
